Accessibility Statement
DeCarrera Law, LLC and Kimberly DeCarrera are big believers in diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) efforts. That includes efforts to include people with disabilities. All of our guests, customers, employees, and vendors should be able to use our website, products, and resources.
We are continually working to improve the user experience for everyone.
Reasonable Efforts
DeCarrera Law recognizes that each person’s disability is unique. What may work well for one person may not work for another. To that end, we have tried to follow as many of the accessibility best practices as possible and to provide flexibility in our design and content.
DeCarrera Law has made efforts to accommodate as many of our guests, customers, employees, and vendors as reasonable, given the size of the company, resources available, and knowledge of our customers. Those efforts are ongoing, as technology and our resources change.
Design Standards
DeCarrera Law uses design standards that help customers identify, interpret, understand and interact with information presented on our web sites and resources.
We make every reasonable effort necessary to meet online usability and design requirements recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, as well as requirements under the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010.
This website is designed to be compatible with assistive technologies and the two most recent versions of major browsers, including Chrome, FireFox and Safari. This website and related resources may not display optimally in older browsers, nor in Internet Explorer.
Accessibility Features
This website uses a third-party widget by UserWay Website Accessibility, which may help certain people with certain disabilities. This widget can be found in the lower left hand corner of most pages on DeCarrera Law’s website. You may access this menu by clicking on the UserWay icon.
When video is provided with voice-overs, closed captioning or text equivalents will be provided on or next to the video.
Third-Party Plugins and Links
This website may use third-party plugins for certain features. These may or may not work for every user with every disability. DeCarrera Law does not have control over the accessibility structure of these plugins and are unable to modify them, nor are we responsible for those elements which we do not control.
If you are aware of a plugin that has similar functionality for a plugin that is not accessible, we welcome your suggestions for alternative plugins that are easier for you to use.
Despite the reasonable efforts that Springboard Legal has made regarding accessibility, we realize that some content, features, policies, procedures, and processes may not be currently fully accessible to all. We are working on constantly improving our website to be more accessible to everyone.
Contact DeCarrera Law
DeCarrera Law welcomes discussion and feedback on how we can improve this website and related resources for those with disabilities. Please feel free to contact DeCarrera Law if you have any suggestions or issues that we may work together to improve the accessibility to this website.
Last Updated: November 29, 2022